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We have experience working with a variety of curricula in grade levels from K-12. We've helped integrate web-based tools, local client tools, mobile technology tools, and a variety of other educational strategies for our schools, teachers, and students...


We have experience working with multiple high schools across multiple curricula. We've helped elementary educators from K-8 with tools to seamlessly integrate their instruction. We've led public and private institutions into more efficient and engaging lessons through proper tool selection and usage.  They had a dream to take their classes to the next level. We helped them create a path to that dream...


​You have an idea about where you want  to go? Need some help getting there? We are the experts at helping take educators to the next level. We  look forward to serving and learning with you ...

I just did my first flipped lesson (well, the follow up part will be in class today), and the kids LOVED it.  Overall, the feedback was super positive. The critiques were reasonable as well. Consider me a convert.


Thanks again for such a great class this summer.

Your Vision Can Be Reality!

Our goal at Edgycation Tools Consulting is to provide effective solutions designed to boost your teacher and student achievement.

Our consultants design solutions tailored specifically to the needs of your students and faculty in order to ensure you achieve your vision of success with urgency and timeliness.

Check out our custom solutions and services. 


Eileen O., H.S. History Teacher


​​​Some educators dream of cutting edge practices. We make it happen.

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